Page 4 - Webbook_aus_01
P. 4

Table of Contents

          1. History of growth ----------------------------- 004

          2.  FiveStar  Spirit(OhSung  Spirit)---------------------  151

          3.  Politics,  Economy,  Society,  Culture,  Religion,  Leaders,  School

          (P E S C R L S )-----------------------------  163

          4.  Donation-----------------------------------  284

          5. Mission------------------------------------ 290

          6. I value honor the most---------------------------296

          7. Eventful life history.-----------------------------305

          8. Entrust a thief with fish.--------------------------324

          9. GOB incident that shouldn't exist in the world--------------331

          10. Who is responsible for this wrong trial-----------------346

          11. First, second, and third trial of GOB-------------------351

          12. Let's make a new world with our hands-----------------357

          13. Legacy my grandfather left me.--------------------- 366

          14.  In  closing  ---------------------------------  404

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