Page 145 - Webbook_aus_02
P. 145
Not a passive consumer, but tailored to your needs
We can say that we are active consumers who create .
Ultimately, by more accurately understanding consumer needs,
Improves satisfaction .'
This concept of prosumer has already been researched and developed a
nd applied to business.
It was an opportunity .
All of this business is thoroughly
It was developed based on the consumer's perspective !
I believed that one day a consumer-centered era would come .
So the words used were productive consumer , sales consumer , and si
mple consumer , and I think this is what today's prosumer is .
I believed that an era would come where consumers would be directly in
volved in everything from the production stage to distribution and sales,
and that era had come .
The beginning of prosumers was group leaders and group life , and as th
is became a company called JioB , they began to become productive con
sumers , sales consumers , simple consumers , lowest price , repurchas
e , hybrid , accumulation , and membership value. And , it became an
STO, a cooperative, and ultimately a prosumer .