Page 140 - Webbook_aus_03
P. 140
To do that , I needed a bank ,
So, I persuaded the bank and signed a contract .
Also, because I wanted to do that, at the time, I had this terminal company called
KICC , and this checker was placed at each affiliated store .
Signed a joint agreement with KICC, which accounts for 65% of the country's pop
ulation ,,,,
We signed a contract to do a joint business ,,,
How hard would you have to work to make that happen ?
Then, I thought that Korean information and IC cards would be released soon .
I believe that the cards of the future are IC cards, so I acquired an IC card
company .
114 supermarkets across the country, and created G.O.B Alpha Omega. All prepa
rations were completed to start the business in earnest. Activation was only a ma
tter of time , and anyone could see that they were on the verge of great success .
Even now, the number of employees continued to expand , and as a result, the nu
mber of business owners increased by 10,000 , the number of member stores inc
reased by about 60,000 and 70,000 , and the number of members was now exce
eding 300,000 and 400,000 , and it was time. Problem was , success was only a
matter of time, and no one could have imagined such a perfect system .
As people move around, they sign up for membership even if they go to any hous
Just bring your membership card and swipe to earn points ,
Discounts were given to those who used it , and 50% of the 10% was saved , and
the accumulated amount was shared between franchisees, operators, and compan
ies to develop the technology .
This technology was created by Kim Heung- seop, CEO of DO System ,
I spent this development money to prepare this ,
And now, in order to do business in earnest, we have established a research cent
er ,
QR By recruiting employees and hiring researchers, we started this business in earn
est .