Page 24 - Webbook_aus_04
P. 24
All in One. I found the answer after thinking and wondering what to do to create a
company where even people without money or background can work if they want to . E
ven a cow needs a hill to rub against . To run a business, you need to have a lot of mone
y, manpower , skills, etc. , but is there a way to do it without any of these things ? There
was . It is an all-in-one system, with all the solutions and all systems needed for such
a thing . If all of these contents are developed and provided by the company, everyone,
whether producers or salespeople , can easily do business with them , advertise with th
em , and conduct business with them .
And you should be able to easily do business online, either on the web or through an ap
p , through a PC or mobile device , or something like that .
Also, as we saw earlier in the offline world, when going online and offline through equip
ment , we need to create conditions that allow for offline business to be sufficient , and c
onditions to go online as well .
By making it possible to build products on top of that technology base , we need to enabl
e the salespeople who sell those products and the members of the organization to go
out and do business with such a system . In this case, the same goes for individuals , so
ciety , and the country. , it is easy to do business when everything is content , everythin
g is systematized , and everything can be implemented on one platform . If you have on
e all-in-one , you can do everything .
All in One (All is One) In this way, if we create something where everything is one and
one can be everything, producers provide according to producers , sellers provide accor
ding to sellers , and consumers provide according to consumers, then producers , seller
s , Can’t consumers simply do what they do ?
And even if the company hires employees , expands the company , brings in more fund
s , and grows further from there, the company will never close , the company will never
go bankrupt , and the company will last for 1,000,000 years. We developed technology f
ocusing on whether there was a way to make it possible , and it was successful .
With the technology provided by GIGAKOREA, GIGAKOREA handles all maintenance ,
management , repairs , operations , and settlement . Salespeople only have to sell and pr
omote , and consumers just use . , the producer just has to make it and upload it , develo
p the uploading technology , develop the selling technology , and develop the consuming
QR technology , and we provide it all so there is no need to do anything anymore , all in .