Page 19 - Webbook_aus_05
P. 19

It doesn't matter whether you lived a lot or a little . So, it is not that impo
        rtant for us to live for ourselves .

        Even though there are many doctors, who remembers that doctor? But Je

        sus, who was without sin, took up his cross and died, redeeming all the si
        ns of the world. What could be a more precious life than that? That is wh
        y all mankind remembers him. We cannot forget Jesus . Life is not life fo

        r me, but life for others is for others to remember me . So, although we t
        alk about various things in religion these days, I think quality is importan

        t . So, I think culture is a relationship between society and culture is qual
        ity, and religion is, in a word, belief . If I believe in Jesus and believe in J
        esus, I am a person who believes in Jesus, so my faith is not visible . If y
        our religion is precious, you should know that other people's religions ar

        e also precious .

        So, I think it is better to have a bullshit philosophy than to have someone
        who doesn't have any faith, and that's why I think everyone should respe

        ct religion . For your information, I believe in Jesus, so I only look to Go
        d . However, just because my religion is valuable, I do not ignore other p

        eople’s religions .

        Since I don't know the religion, I won't comment at all . Leader A leader
        sacrifices himself . It's about guiding . To be a leader means to be an exa

        mple to others in all aspects and to light up the world by burning yoursel
        f . Just as a candle burns itself to reveal itself to the world, if the candle'
        s mission is to brighten the world by sacrificing itself, if salt's mission is
        to dissolve in water and taste salty, if sugar is to dissolve in water and ta

        ste sweet, then this is the mission of salt. Everything has its own missio
        n, its own link , and its own goal .

        It's all about doing it . So, I think that a leader must know how to contribu

        te, dedicate, and sacrifice . When living by candlelight , if a father like tha
        t appears in the family, the family will do well , and if a leader like that a

        ppears in society, the society will do well . I think the country will do wel
        l if such adults appear in the country . I believe that the more tired the le
        ader becomes, the more likely the people will live well . And finally, train

        ing center Training center is life .

        80 , 100, and 120 years that we have lived from the grave to the cradle,
        called From the Cradle, To the Grave , is the process of the training cent
        er .
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