Page 87 - Webbook_aus_05
P. 87
What is
■ New IP developers claim that
Huawei and others , which are leading the development of ne function that cuts off communication to a specific Internet
w IP , argued that the current Internet is being split into multipl address .
e networks .
This is because various networks, including private communic ■ Western countries vs. China , Russia , Internet gove
ation networks, have emerged . rnance A fierce struggle over
The problem is that the standards for these networks have diff
erent address structures, increasing compatibility problems . T The battle over control of the global Internet has been going
herefore, in order to properly accommodate new technologies on for several years . While Western countries, led by the Un
such as holograms and self-driving cars, a more efficient Inter ited States , are trying to stick to the current system, third
net address system is needed . Huawei and others claim that t world groups , led by China and Russia, are opposing the nee
he new IP focuses on resolving these concerns . d to change the American-centered Internet structure .
The explanation is that it allows devices to communicate direct The Internet actually started in the United States . As a result
ly within the same network without transmitting information th , the United States has exercised the authority to manage Int
rough the Internet . ernet addresses since 1968 , during the ARPANET era .
multilateral organization through the National Telecommunica
tions and Information Administration (NTIA) under the Depa
rtment of Commerce. It was a method of controlling the Inter
net Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
third world groups led by China and Russia have strongly opp
osed this structure . In particular, after Edward Snowden's re
velations in 2013 revealed that the U.S. Homeland Security
Agency (NSA) had been conducting omnidirectional inspecti
ons of the global Internet, the intensity of the backlash becam
e much more intense .
The problem is that if New IP is applied, the government or t
elecommunication companies can exercise strong control ov
er IP addresses . According to the Financial Times, those wh
o are critical of New IP argue that networks must have a Located in Headquarters of the Internet Corporation for Assigne
d Names and Numbers (ICANN) . ( Photo = Wikipedia )
tracking function to add new addresses .
The criticism is that this process may have the function of ce
nsoring and controlling communication through the Internet . I
n fact , Huawei The Financial Times reported that in the proc
ess of explaining the new proposal at the ITU , it was QR
acknowledged that New IP has a ' shut up command '