P. 202

Even a cow must have a hill to move on , and to go to the battlefield and fi

       ght, she must have weapons . Likewise in business, you need weapons to

       succeed . So, we created systems and solutions , and created and support
       ed all tangible and intangible products , businesses , and maintenance , ma

       nagement , repairs , operations , and settlement .

       As the saying goes , ‘ When a tiger dies , it leaves behind its skin , and w
       hen a person dies, it leaves a name,’ it is possible to leave something beh

       ind , and the sweat and tears of the ancestors become property for future

       generations , and this can be bought and sold . It created a reason for peo
       ple to live well and made us realize what the most important thing in the w

       orld is . That is ‘love’ .

       A grandfather's love for his grandson created today's sharing .
       philosophy of sharing and sharing was completed based on the religious th

       eory of love, such as a grandfather's love for his grandchildren and his en

       emies , and this is the third sharing economy .

       in an orchestra without a conductor , in the African jungle without a guide ,
       or in the middle of a stormy sea without a captain ?

       politics , society , culture , and religion, leaders who are based on love and

       know how to practice sharing must emerge as soon as possible .

       Our country should not become the oldest country in 2067 , and much less

       should we become a nation that disappears from the face of the earth arou

       nd 2300 due to a birth rate of 0.98 .

       The Republic of Korea can rise again , and by uniting with love, it can over

       come political , social , economic , cultural , and religious problems and be
       come a great country respected by people around the world .

       In order to do so, all citizens must have a goal and a PESCRL . Through th

       is PESCRL , I hope we all know that it is very important to create a school
       of leaders who can lead our people , and let us build a consensus among e

       ach other for the future of Korea.                                                             QR

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