Page 137 - ESSAYBCTO ENG 4rd
P. 137
Sales ID Mall
‘open mall’ is the same as other general shopping malls , I will not explain it separatel
y . However , the sales ID mall is necessary when a person qualified for a closed mall c
onducts an online business in an offline location .
A person who has received approval for a closed mall from GIGAKOREA uses offline s
alespeople to manage the online mall . For example , when there are 7 salespeople , tho
se salespeople can determine who , where , and what kind of business they do. I don't k
now if it has been done .
In that case , these malls are given to each person separately , so that they can do busin
ess , and even though they have been doing business online , offline expenses can be pa
id .
And it has been developed so that this person cannot modify the information of people
with closed malls . This allows each person to reassign the ID and password so that the
y can use it , but it is made so that that person cannot touch or modify the information of
the closed mall owner. It is a sales ID mall .
Using this mall is when a person authorized to run an online business receives the certifi
cate of the closed mall , obtains qualifications for a multi-business, and uses it to conduc
t business online , and uses people offline to differentiate them . It is designed so that w
hen the owner receives profits from the company , he can give what is given to the sale
speople and receive the profits himself , so that he can manage these things directly .
Nowadays , in the case of some mutual aid companies, when you sign up for mutual aid ,
you sell this and that and receive a certain commission , and some companies provide s
uch online systems , and the company makes an effort to bring in such a system. , provi
ding reinforcement and receiving fees , these things belong to multi-business , and it ha
s been a long time since I have done business with such a patent .
So, I am doing that type of business , but it seems like there are too many companies th
at are in violation of my patent , so I plan to consult with a lawyer and obtain them one b
y one in the future . QR