Page 153 - ESSAYBCTO ENG 3rd
P. 153
As long as you work hard, one of the country's biggest headaches of creating jobs will
be solved , and it is a business that even the powerless elderly can do .
That is a new concept of job creation that even the government is unable to achieve .
Oh - Yes Card are generated online .
When we sell a product, only a portion of the sale price comes in as profit , but Oh - Y
es Card profits are fundamentally different from this . Affiliate store only once
If you secure it, the franchise will either give up the franchise contract or stop doing bu
As long as members continue to use the Oh - Yes Card, profits will be received in
GOB every month .
Since it is a sharing system, once a profit is a lifetime profit .
And the profits are also amazing .
you have to do is pay DC in various amounts such as 10%, 5%, 3%, etc. at all stores .
From an affiliated store's point of view, if only a large number of members come, who
will pay expensive advertising fees?
Would you like to recruit members and customers ? No matter how much advertising
you place, members must
There is no guarantee that it will come .
However, this happens after a member comes and after that member generates sales.
If you send a small portion of that amount to
Well , who wouldn't use this kind of advertising ?
In addition, he acts as DC for guests who come to his house ,
If you secure a membership for your own home, the member will go out and
2nd and 3rd Oh - A portion of the cost spent at Yes Card affiliated stores is also conv
erted into profit .
When the profit is 100% , 35% of it is from recruiting first-time members.
It is paid to the affiliated store that signed up .
If you recruit a member just once, even if that member never comes to your house ag
ain ,
Of the 10% of the amount the member spends, 3.5% will be received as profits from h
is or her affiliated store for the rest of his or her life .
So who wouldn't do it ?