Page 63 - ESSAYBCTO ENG 4rd
P. 63
A parent's desire to pass it on to their children
Numeric domains are tax-free .
The reason taxes cannot be levied is because it is not possible to determine how much future
consumers will use.
This is because it is the future value of .
The numeric domain is a fishing tool, that is, This is because it is a frame , not the meat itself .
For registration
< Transfer / Acquisition / Resale Registration Rights Certificate >
In the case of registration, you pass it on to the person you want to pass it on to .
Of all the systems created by humans, I would like to say that it is the stock corporation .
A stock company only has limited liability and is securitized in
And with this money , the company's competitiveness was improved , and ownership and manageme
nt were carried out. as separated
It is one of the best business methods humans have . However, such stocks are available to everyone
, regardless of gender or age.
It's easy to make without having to do anything . And any control is difficult . Work is going well or bus
iness is going well.
If that happens, competitors will pour in . In comparison, the numeric domain is already the world's
A patent has been filed , and people around the world are very familiar with the domain . In the meanti
me, more than the domain
We have developed a better numeric domain, and this numeric domain is the only one in the world.
It cannot be sold .
The holder of the numerical domain platform for use does not manage separate registration . Own
, who gave to whom and who received it acts as a numerical value.
If you want to buy and sell value while transferring the number domain platform you own,
Changes must be made through procedures at the head office .